Testimonies from our Members
If you do not believe that Yeshua is the Messiah, we hope these stories challenge you to examine Him more closely. When they began, the people in these stories did not believe He was the Messiah either. For many, particularly Jewish people, this has become a difficult fact to even consider, much less accept. However, we KNOW it is true.
If you already believe that Yeshua was the Messiah, we hope these stories encourage you. In these times, it is difficult for anyone, especially someone in the Jewish community, to come to know, accept, and act on the truth of His Messiahship. All of the (now) believers presented here struggled to accept Him as well, but we congratulate you for having the courage to overcome the barriers and embrace The Truth!
Doug & Bonnie Friedman
Alexis Hernandez
Prison Ministry Coordinator